Biella Airport is environment friendly

In fact, it has made available an area of 100,000 m2 for the installation of a photovoltaic park with a power of 10 MegaWatt, which is used for the production of electricity to power airport activities.

&On 30 September 2023 in the presence of Eng. Alessandra Toschi, CEO BayWa r.e. Italy, by the Hon. Isabella Tovaglieri, Member of the European Parliament, Mrs. Anna Zerbola, Mayor of Cerrione, Eng. Michele Mosca, Councilor of the Piedmont Region and of the Lawyer. Claudio Tovaglieri, President of Air Vergiate, SACE parent company, the inauguration ceremony of the photovoltaic park adjacent to the airport took place.

Below are some moments from the event.

Eng. Alessandra Toschi, CEO BayWa r.e. Italia
Hon. Isabella Tovaglieri, Member of the European Parliament
Mrs Anna Zerbola, Mayor of Cerrione
Ing. Michele Mosca, Councilor of the Piedmont Region
Lawyer Claudio Tovaglieri, President of Air Vergiate, SACE parent company
The moment of the official inauguration of the photovoltaic park